Beaver Colony 

We have 2 Beaver Colonies which operate within 7th Newport Scout Group:

Oak Colony - 6 to 8 years, meeting in Newport Town Centre

Maple Colony - An additional needs colony with 1-1 support 

A young person may join at 5¾ years and remain until they are 8½.  

They meet together as a Colony and work within small groups called ‘Lodges’. 

Beavers take part in a wide range of activities. These include making things, singing, playing games, going on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories etc. They do this through taking part in a programme of activities provided by the leadership team. 

Some of the highlights of a Beaver Scout’s time in the colony are attending the Islands county Beaver camp (Beaveree) where they have the opportunity to spend time with their friends and meet all the other beaver colonies from other groups on the island. They also love going on indoor camps and day trips to places such as Blackgang Chine and our local campsite Corf Scout Camp.

Beaver Scouts work towards their Chief Scouts Bronze Award during their time in the Colony. This is the highest award a Beaver Scout can earn and can be done by partaking in loads of fun activities to earn all 6 challenge badges and loads of activity badges.