Cub Pack (8 - 10.5 years)

Our Cub Pack meets on Fridays in Newport Town Centre

A young person may join at 7½ years and remain in the Pack until their 11th birthday. 

Cub Scouts meet together as a Pack and work within a variety of small groups called ‘Sixes’. 

Cubs love going on hikes and camps. As a Pack we aim to do at least 1 indoor and 1 outdoor camp a year but always hope to get more done. Our County Cub Camp is always a fun part of a Cub Scouts time in the pack along with doing lots of day activities such as Archery, Tomahawk throwing and Kayaking. Cubs also learn how to light fires, build a shelter, how to read and use a map and knot tying.

Cub Scouts work towards the Chief Scouts Silver Award during their time in the Pack by completing the 7 challenge badges and lots of activity badges. This is the highest award a Cub Scout can get and we aim for every Cub Scout to gain it before they move up to Scouts.